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NEO Antibacterial Cleaner 真皮殺菌清潔膏 | COLUMBUS

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $58.00.

來自店鋪: 皮匠園

疫情當前,樣樣嘢都要經常清潔,包括手袋皮鞋等皮具,而好多人士用酒精等用品來消毒,可對真皮卻有傷害,您摯愛嗰手袋點可以咁樣清潔嘅?用日本的 Neo Cleaner 就啱啦!同其它清潔劑比較,NEO Cleaner 專對真皮,含有殺菌嗰成分(Neo anti-bacterial agents), 可以有效保持您嗰摯愛清新冇菌,而且它性質溫和,不會刺激真皮表層,可用於日常清潔護理,針對污跡係好有效嘅。依家環境咁污濁,有好多病毒細菌,呢支日本生産嗰 NEO 皮具清潔膏就可以幫到你啦!

Columbus Antibacterial NEO is a conservative agent antibacterial cleaner. It can easily clean off leather stains, such as dirt or ink. It can be used on leather goods such as handbags, shoes, furniture, and clothing. Better than the Get Cleaner of Columbus, the NEO Cleaner contains neo antibacterial agents, which can effectively clean off the bacteria on leather surface, and protect from mildew or mold.

SKU: LCO006SP00 Categories: ,
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淨重 :60 克 (2.12 盎司)


– 將清潔膏劑到軟佈上,然後輕輕搽拭手袋表面
– 可用於手袋,皮鞋,皮衣或其它皮具
– 雖然比較溫和,但最好先在一些隱蔽的部位,或提供的樣皮做測試,確保不會變色
– 不適用於絨皮等皮質
– 不可給兒童接觸或玩耍

Net weight 60 g (2.12 oz)
Made in Japan

How to use the

– Falling dirt surface cleaner on a soft cloth and brush to clean leather products, useful for antibacterial.
– Can be used on leather shoes, bags, handbags, clothing and furniture.
– Please test, depending on the type of leather will stain, so invisible.
– Cannot use the brushed leather, suede and nubuck.
– Keep out of children’s reach. Also, please note not to put in the mouth.

Shipping Countries: Hong Kong

Shipping States: Hong Kong Island (Hong Kong), New Territories (Hong Kong), Kowloon (Hong Kong)


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