日本進口 Columbus 麂皮補色噴霧
含72ml酒精成份 可深入皮革
來自店鋪: 皮匠園使用方法:
1. 請先用布或刷子把商品表面的灰塵拭去
2. 使用前搖一搖,距離20公分多次噴灑,不需擦拭,待自然風乾即可。
3. 待全乾後再以刷子將麂皮梳順即可
日本進口 Columbus 麂皮補色噴霧
含72ml酒精成份 可深入皮革
Shipping Countries: Hong Kong
Shipping States: Kowloon (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Island (Hong Kong), New Territories (Hong Kong)
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1. 用乾布擦去皮面之灰塵
2. 然後使用 Leatherian Lotion, NEO Cleaner 或 Saddle Soap 皮革去污膏, 略施力氣先將皮面擦拭一遍; 此時您會發現您手中的布變 得很髒(視您皮革髒污的程度), 然後再重覆使用一次去污膏, 再擦一次, 直到乾淨為止.
3. 再來取一塊乾淨的布, 將Columbus Mink Oil貂油適量塗抹布面上,輕輕的來回反覆擦拭均勻
4. 當您將貂油擦拭均勻後即可再用布做最後的拋光動作,完成後靜待晾乾即可
5. 最後, 將Columbus AmeDas防水防油保護噴劑噴抹於您的皮件上,即可達到防污防水的效果
6. 定期重覆上述動作,您的皮件即可維持在最佳狀態
– Very effective waterproof, oil-repellent and anti-fouling effect give without compromising breath ability.
– Can be used to shine leather and brushed leather natural leather handbags or shoes and other leather goods, fabrics, and even artificial leather.
– Better to be used after cleaning with Leatherian Lotion/NEO Cleaner/Saddle Soap
Simply spray the fluorine onto the leather fibers, and a thin layer of protective coating will be formed from any dirt or water or oil. Can be particularly useful in rainy weather. Spraying regularly, usually on weekly basis, depending on your usage and the weather, will have a long lasting protection of your handbag for tip-top condition.
疫情當前,樣樣嘢都要經常清潔,包括手袋皮鞋等皮具,而好多人士用酒精等用品來消毒,可對真皮卻有傷害,您摯愛嗰手袋點可以咁樣清潔嘅?用日本的 Neo Cleaner 就啱啦!同其它清潔劑比較,NEO Cleaner 專對真皮,含有殺菌嗰成分(Neo anti-bacterial agents), 可以有效保持您嗰摯愛清新冇菌,而且它性質溫和,不會刺激真皮表層,可用於日常清潔護理,針對污跡係好有效嘅。依家環境咁污濁,有好多病毒細菌,呢支日本生産嗰 NEO 皮具清潔膏就可以幫到你啦!
Columbus Antibacterial NEO is a conservative agent antibacterial cleaner. It can easily clean off leather stains, such as dirt or ink. It can be used on leather goods such as handbags, shoes, furniture, and clothing. Better than the Get Cleaner of Columbus, the NEO Cleaner contains neo antibacterial agents, which can effectively clean off the bacteria on leather surface, and protect from mildew or mold.
Special care: When use a dry cloth with the mink oil to rub the leather surface, the animal fat can get into the leather body through the pores, giving it more softness and smoothness, as well as water-resistance. The oil on surface may come off over time, and need to regularly maintain it to extend its life span. Direction of use: First, use a dry or a little damp cloth to clean the leather surface, or to use the leather cleaning lotion such as our Leatherien Lotion to clean it thoroughly, then spread the Columbus mink oil onto the prepared leather surface. Such maintenance can be carried out regularly or when it is necessary.
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