
Suede Leather Cleaning Raw Rubber 麂皮清潔生膠擦


來自店鋪: 皮匠園

■ 使用方法:
1. 確認清潔表面完全乾燥;
2. 可以先用毛刷輕輕掃走表面的浮塵,方便清潔 (普通乾净的毛刷即可,切記要同一個方向刷);
3. 輕輕擦拭欲清潔部位;
4. 使用後保持生膠表面清潔 (可將髒汙部分裁切後繼續使用)

■ 小提醒
1. 可像平時使用擦膠的方法清潔;
2. 不適用於清潔陳年汙垢、滲透性髒汙、膠水等;
3. 太深層滲入皮革或纖維的髒汙清潔能力有限。

■ 適用範圍: 麂皮、反毛皮製品,例如手袋、鞋履、皮褸

■ 規格 (H x W x H): 7cm *5cm*1cm


1. Make sure the leather surface is completely dried;
2. Preferably brush any dirt or dust off the leather surface (brush always in one direction);
3. Use the raw rubber gently rub the affected area of the leather surface until the stain or dirt is removed;
4. Clean the raw rubber after finish (can cut off the dirty used front for next use).

■ Using Tips

1. Can use in a way as using rubber eraser.
2. Not appropriate for very aged stains、penetrated stain marks、glues etc.
3. Effective for surface stain removal


Suede leather products such as Bags, Shoes, and Jackets

SKU: LLT003LC00 Categories: ,
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Suede leather rubber cleaner is very effective to remove superficial dry stains, water marks and soiling from suede leather to restore its original finish and texture;
No color and no harm on leather; especially effective on suede leather; Very easy to carry and use any time any where. One piece can be used for a long time.

Shipping Countries: Hong Kong

Shipping States: New Territories (Hong Kong), Kowloon (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Island (Hong Kong)

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