這款至潮嘅斜孭/肩孭袋係來自 Butterfield 嘅 Cheyenne!牠優雅別致的外形,優質的荔枝紋牛皮,皮質柔軟順滑,手感一流;大小適中,空間充裕,且輕巧。特色的撞色及可調節肩帶, 配合多種顔色,絕對是返工和行街的選擇。
In a sleek outlook, this fashionable Cheyenne crossbody by Butterfield is a must-have for the season. Built with full-grain cow leather, it is soft and smooth. The signature cow leather color block gives full uplift in style with its neat body in soft and smooth full-grain cow leather, as well as the flexible strap, provide a great company for work or leisure.
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