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Omega-3 魚油, 亞麻籽, 健康保健品, 健康籽, 健康茶, 健康零食, 健康食品, 健康食油, 健康食鹽, 健康飲品, 刀切燕麥, 卡宴辣椒粉, 可可粉, 喜馬拉雅食鹽, 堅果, 奇亞籽, 山茶油, 早餐殼物, 杏仁, 核桃, 橄欖油, 氨基葡萄糖, 海鹽, 滾壓燕麥, 烏龍茶, 燕麥, 瑪卡果粉, 碧根果, 綠茶, 莓茶, 葵花籽, 薑黃粉, 蜜糖, 速溶燕麥, 黑芝麻
Rated 0 out of 5$88.00We are sorry to inform you that our goods for good health is currently in preparation. Our team is working diligently around the clock to ensure that everything meets our high standards of quality and care.
We anticipate that they will be ready very soon. We will keep you informed immediately once they are ready in stock.
【韓國製】KF94 口罩 – 白色 (1盒30個裝)
Rated 0 out of 5$69.00 – $129.00韓國製 KF94 2D口罩 – 白色 (1盒30個獨立包裝)
獲韓國政府認證KF94級別,高度防護,有效阻擋空氣中的沙塵及細菌。立體設計令口罩空間更大,讓你戴口罩時更透氣舒適! -
【韓國製】EASE-CARE – KF94 3D成人立體口罩[白色](1包5個裝)
Rated 0 out of 5$8.00 – $149.003D立體設計,戴上後亦能保持呼吸暢順,有出色的貼合性
立體舒適 長時間戴也舒適有鼻支架固定
已獲得韓國KFDA認證附有韓國食品及藥物管理局認證 KF94 級
並通過所有測試,粉塵捕捉率遲94%以上,符合KF94口罩的要求醫學外用, 為經韓國政府認可專門給醫護人所使用的
有效濾除空氣中達94%的0.4㎛ 微細懸浮粒子
KF94口罩是韓國生產制定的標準,根據韓國食品藥品管理局(MFDS)官網的數據,該標準下的口罩對於直徑0.4μm的顆粒物過濾率大於94% 換言之,KF94標準的口罩能夠過濾掉最少94%的直徑等於0.4μm的顆粒物 ,因此KF94口罩與KN95、N95等口罩類似,都是在一個防護等級下的口罩品類,可過濾一般傳染性病
尺寸:210 x 80mm
Jade 絎縫紋羊皮銀包 | Modern Heritage
Rated 0 out of 5$369.00~ 磁性扣鈕開合
~ 内裏兩個大間隔,中間有拉鏈分隔袋
~ 兩個紙幣袋
~ 16個卡片位尺寸 (長 x 寬 x 厚): 20 x 10 x 3 CM
~ Magnetic flap-fold closure
~ Two main compartments with a middle zip divider pocket
~ Two extra bill compartments
~ 16 card slotsMeasurements (L x W x H): 20 x 10 x 3 CM
Avalyn Shoulder Bag Brown肩孭袋 啡色 | Modern Heritage
Rated 0 out of 5$399.00~ 扣帶五金扣鈕開合
~ 精美尼龍布内裏,高貴耐用
~ 一個大間隔 附可拆卸拉鏈超纖皮内袋
~ 可折合牛皮肩帶 56 -108 CM尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高): 28 x 10 x 27 CM
~ Leather top strap turn-lock closure
~ One main compartment with nylon interior
~ One removable inner zip-top micro-fiber leather bag
~ Foldable shoulder strap 56-108 CMMeasurement (L x W x H): 28 x 10 x 27 CM
Cheyenne Crossbody 斜孭袋 | Butterfield
Rated 0 out of 5$299.00~ 寬扁平式可調節肩帶,可肩挎或斜孭
~ 手把高 6 CM, 變肩帶 109 CM
~ 一個大間隔
~ 内裏及一個拉鏈袋
~ 高級花麻布內里尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高): 15-23 x 9 x 18.5 CM
~ 109 CM flat shoulder strap, double folded for shoulder carry with handle drop 6 CM
~ One main compartments
~ One interior zipper pocket
~ Nylon interior liningMeasurement (L x W x H): 15-23 x 9 x 18.5 CM
Annabelle Shopper 購物大袋 | Urban Forest
Rated 0 out of 5$439.00~ 方便啲置頂磁扣開合
~ 两個外置多用途插袋
~ 一個大間隔 附可拆卸拉鏈尼龍内袋
~ 高級帆布內里
~ 可拆卸及調節手拎帶 42 CM
~ 可拆卸肩帶 120 CM Max 長尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高): 32 x 8 x 30 CM
~ Top magnetic snap closure
~ Two exterior slip pockets at back
~ One main compartment with a removable nylon inner bag
~ High quality canvas interior lining
~ One (Max 42 CM) removable leather handle strap
~ One (Max 120 CM) removable leather shoulder strapMeasurement (L x W x H): 32 x 8 x 30 CM
Suede Leather Cleaning Raw Rubber 麂皮清潔生膠擦
Rated 0 out of 5$29.00■ 使用方法:
1. 確認清潔表面完全乾燥;
2. 可以先用毛刷輕輕掃走表面的浮塵,方便清潔 (普通乾净的毛刷即可,切記要同一個方向刷);
3. 輕輕擦拭欲清潔部位;
4. 使用後保持生膠表面清潔 (可將髒汙部分裁切後繼續使用)■ 小提醒
1. 可像平時使用擦膠的方法清潔;
2. 不適用於清潔陳年汙垢、滲透性髒汙、膠水等;
3. 太深層滲入皮革或纖維的髒汙清潔能力有限。■ 適用範圍: 麂皮、反毛皮製品,例如手袋、鞋履、皮褸
■ 規格 (H x W x H): 7cm *5cm*1cm
1. Make sure the leather surface is completely dried;
2. Preferably brush any dirt or dust off the leather surface (brush always in one direction);
3. Use the raw rubber gently rub the affected area of the leather surface until the stain or dirt is removed;
4. Clean the raw rubber after finish (can cut off the dirty used front for next use).■ Using Tips
1. Can use in a way as using rubber eraser.
2. Not appropriate for very aged stains、penetrated stain marks、glues etc.
3. Effective for surface stain removal■ SCOPE OF USE
Suede leather products such as Bags, Shoes, and Jackets
Mink Oil Spray 貂鼠油噴劑 | COLUMBUS
Rated 0 out of 5$109.00注意事項:真皮有毛細孔,所以可以吸收保養油達到揉化皮革與保養作用,在您擦拭的同時,也可達到清潔的作用,但某些品牌之全皮系列請勿自行保養
使用事項:先用乾淨棉布將灰塵擦去,或用 清潔 Lotion 例如 Leatherien Lotion 清潔, 之後 用罐裝保養液噴在皮革上,再用干布均勻擦拭皮面(皮件保養液以不吃色為佳)。
Special care: When spray the mink oil to the leather surface, the animal fat can get into the leather body through the pores, giving it more softness and smoothness, as well as water-resistance.
The oil on surface may come off over time, and need to regularly maintain it to extend its life span.Direction of use: First, use dry or a little damp cloth to clean the leather surface, or to use the leather cleaning lotion such as our Leatherien Lotion to clean it thoroughly, then spray the Columbus mink oil onto the prepared leather surface, and use a dry cloth to spread out evenly. Such maintenance can be done regularly or when it is necessary.
Knight Liquid Black 黑色武士鞋水 | Columbus
Rated 0 out of 5$69.00使用事項:
1. 使用前,先清潔皮的表面,可用去圬膏除去塵、污跡或舊臘;
2. 使用前,先搖匀, 然後除蓋,用海綿頂部輕壓皮的表面數次,等液體流至頂部;
3. 然後均匀凃上皮的表面,並放在乾爽的地方讓其乾透;
4. 乾透後用佈,海綿或手套輕輕擦拭皮的表面,達至光亮的效果;
5. 如果做到最佳效果,可以實施保養油例如貂鼠油或綿羊毛油等。注意事項:
1. 不適用於麂皮,又叫絨面皮。
2. 有些皮革可能會出現痕跡,可先在不明顯的部位試用,如確認沒問題才大面積使用。Direction for Use:
1. Before use, clean the leather surface from dirt, marks, or old wax, preferably with leather cleaner;
2. Shake first for better mix with cap on, then press the sponge head on the leather surface a few times until the liquid reaches the head;
3. Evenly spread the liquid on the leather surface, and let it dry thoroughly;
4. Use dry cloth, sponge or glove to gently rub the leather surface for a polishing finish;
5. For better result, can also apply mink oil or lanolin oil at last for long lasting effect.
1. Not suitable for suede leather.
2. It may not work well on some leather, so try to test it first at some hidden area before applying to large area.
AMEDAS Waterproof Spray 防水噴霧 420 ml | COLUMBUS
Rated 0 out of 5$249.00Original price was: $249.00.$181.00Current price is: $181.00.使用方法:
1. 用乾布擦去皮面之灰塵
2. 然後使用 Leatherian Lotion, NEO Cleaner 或 Saddle Soap 皮革去污膏, 略施力氣先將皮面擦拭一遍; 此時您會發現您手中的布變 得很髒(視您皮革髒污的程度), 然後再重覆使用一次去污膏, 再擦一次, 直到乾淨為止.
3. 再來取一塊乾淨的布, 將Columbus Mink Oil貂油適量塗抹布面上,輕輕的來回反覆擦拭均勻
4. 當您將貂油擦拭均勻後即可再用布做最後的拋光動作,完成後靜待晾乾即可
5. 最後, 將Columbus AmeDas防水防油保護噴劑噴抹於您的皮件上,即可達到防污防水的效果
6. 定期重覆上述動作,您的皮件即可維持在最佳狀態– Very effective waterproof, oil-repellent and anti-fouling effect give without compromising breath ability.
– Can be used to shine leather and brushed leather natural leather handbags or shoes and other leather goods, fabrics, and even artificial leather.
– Better to be used after cleaning with Leatherian Lotion/NEO Cleaner/Saddle Soap
Simply spray the fluorine onto the leather fibers, and a thin layer of protective coating will be formed from any dirt or water or oil. Can be particularly useful in rainy weather. Spraying regularly, usually on weekly basis, depending on your usage and the weather, will have a long lasting protection of your handbag for tip-top condition.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
【韓國製】KF94 口罩 – 白色 (1盒30個裝)
Rated 0 out of 5$69.00 – $129.00韓國製 KF94 2D口罩 – 白色 (1盒30個獨立包裝)
獲韓國政府認證KF94級別,高度防護,有效阻擋空氣中的沙塵及細菌。立體設計令口罩空間更大,讓你戴口罩時更透氣舒適! -
【韓國製】EASE-CARE – KF94 3D成人立體口罩[白色](1包5個裝)
Rated 0 out of 5$8.00 – $149.003D立體設計,戴上後亦能保持呼吸暢順,有出色的貼合性
立體舒適 長時間戴也舒適有鼻支架固定
已獲得韓國KFDA認證附有韓國食品及藥物管理局認證 KF94 級
並通過所有測試,粉塵捕捉率遲94%以上,符合KF94口罩的要求醫學外用, 為經韓國政府認可專門給醫護人所使用的
有效濾除空氣中達94%的0.4㎛ 微細懸浮粒子
KF94口罩是韓國生產制定的標準,根據韓國食品藥品管理局(MFDS)官網的數據,該標準下的口罩對於直徑0.4μm的顆粒物過濾率大於94% 換言之,KF94標準的口罩能夠過濾掉最少94%的直徑等於0.4μm的顆粒物 ,因此KF94口罩與KN95、N95等口罩類似,都是在一個防護等級下的口罩品類,可過濾一般傳染性病
尺寸:210 x 80mm
Jade 絎縫紋羊皮銀包 | Modern Heritage
Rated 0 out of 5$369.00~ 磁性扣鈕開合
~ 内裏兩個大間隔,中間有拉鏈分隔袋
~ 兩個紙幣袋
~ 16個卡片位尺寸 (長 x 寬 x 厚): 20 x 10 x 3 CM
~ Magnetic flap-fold closure
~ Two main compartments with a middle zip divider pocket
~ Two extra bill compartments
~ 16 card slotsMeasurements (L x W x H): 20 x 10 x 3 CM
Avalyn Shoulder Bag Brown肩孭袋 啡色 | Modern Heritage
Rated 0 out of 5$399.00~ 扣帶五金扣鈕開合
~ 精美尼龍布内裏,高貴耐用
~ 一個大間隔 附可拆卸拉鏈超纖皮内袋
~ 可折合牛皮肩帶 56 -108 CM尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高): 28 x 10 x 27 CM
~ Leather top strap turn-lock closure
~ One main compartment with nylon interior
~ One removable inner zip-top micro-fiber leather bag
~ Foldable shoulder strap 56-108 CMMeasurement (L x W x H): 28 x 10 x 27 CM
Cheyenne Crossbody 斜孭袋 | Butterfield
Rated 0 out of 5$299.00~ 寬扁平式可調節肩帶,可肩挎或斜孭
~ 手把高 6 CM, 變肩帶 109 CM
~ 一個大間隔
~ 内裏及一個拉鏈袋
~ 高級花麻布內里尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高): 15-23 x 9 x 18.5 CM
~ 109 CM flat shoulder strap, double folded for shoulder carry with handle drop 6 CM
~ One main compartments
~ One interior zipper pocket
~ Nylon interior liningMeasurement (L x W x H): 15-23 x 9 x 18.5 CM
Annabelle Shopper 購物大袋 | Urban Forest
Rated 0 out of 5$439.00~ 方便啲置頂磁扣開合
~ 两個外置多用途插袋
~ 一個大間隔 附可拆卸拉鏈尼龍内袋
~ 高級帆布內里
~ 可拆卸及調節手拎帶 42 CM
~ 可拆卸肩帶 120 CM Max 長尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高): 32 x 8 x 30 CM
~ Top magnetic snap closure
~ Two exterior slip pockets at back
~ One main compartment with a removable nylon inner bag
~ High quality canvas interior lining
~ One (Max 42 CM) removable leather handle strap
~ One (Max 120 CM) removable leather shoulder strapMeasurement (L x W x H): 32 x 8 x 30 CM
Augie Top Handle HandBag | Modern Heritage
Rated 0 out of 5$659.00材料: 粗荔枝紋牛皮
重量:740 克尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高): 27 x 12 x 22 CM
~ 單扁平式可拆卸手柄
~ 手柄高 8-14 CM
~ 至潮啲頂蓋配蝴蝶扣帶開合
~ 精致鎖匙扣挂飾
~ 置頂拉鏈開合
~ 一個大間隔
~ 一個手機袋及多用途小物袋
~ 一拉鏈内袋
~ 高級絨布內里
~ 可拆式長帶, 最長約120 CM
~ 四個腳釘 -
Casual Shoes
Rated 2.94 out of 5$23.00This is a simple product.
Long Sleeve Top
Rated 2.79 out of 5$23.00 – $65.00This is a grouped product.
Sale products
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
【韓國製】KF94 口罩 – 白色 (1盒30個裝)
Rated 0 out of 5$69.00 – $129.00韓國製 KF94 2D口罩 – 白色 (1盒30個獨立包裝)
獲韓國政府認證KF94級別,高度防護,有效阻擋空氣中的沙塵及細菌。立體設計令口罩空間更大,讓你戴口罩時更透氣舒適! -
AMEDAS Waterproof Spray 防水噴霧 420 ml | COLUMBUS
Rated 0 out of 5$249.00Original price was: $249.00.$181.00Current price is: $181.00.使用方法:
1. 用乾布擦去皮面之灰塵
2. 然後使用 Leatherian Lotion, NEO Cleaner 或 Saddle Soap 皮革去污膏, 略施力氣先將皮面擦拭一遍; 此時您會發現您手中的布變 得很髒(視您皮革髒污的程度), 然後再重覆使用一次去污膏, 再擦一次, 直到乾淨為止.
3. 再來取一塊乾淨的布, 將Columbus Mink Oil貂油適量塗抹布面上,輕輕的來回反覆擦拭均勻
4. 當您將貂油擦拭均勻後即可再用布做最後的拋光動作,完成後靜待晾乾即可
5. 最後, 將Columbus AmeDas防水防油保護噴劑噴抹於您的皮件上,即可達到防污防水的效果
6. 定期重覆上述動作,您的皮件即可維持在最佳狀態– Very effective waterproof, oil-repellent and anti-fouling effect give without compromising breath ability.
– Can be used to shine leather and brushed leather natural leather handbags or shoes and other leather goods, fabrics, and even artificial leather.
– Better to be used after cleaning with Leatherian Lotion/NEO Cleaner/Saddle Soap
Simply spray the fluorine onto the leather fibers, and a thin layer of protective coating will be formed from any dirt or water or oil. Can be particularly useful in rainy weather. Spraying regularly, usually on weekly basis, depending on your usage and the weather, will have a long lasting protection of your handbag for tip-top condition.
AMEDAS Waterproof Spray 防水噴霧 180 ml | COLUMBUS
Rated 0 out of 5$129.00Original price was: $129.00.$98.00Current price is: $98.00.日本COLUMBUS AMEDAS 皮革防水防油保護噴劑,有效隔絕水及油漬, 能在皮革表面自然形成保護膜, 於清潔同實施保護油之後使用更佳, 各種皮革製品如手袋, 鞋, 皮衣, 皮件等, 麂皮與絨毛皮皆適用, 織布類的亦可, 180ml 超實用
產品名稱: AMEDAS 皮革防水防油保護噴劑
生產地點: 日本東京Popular Columbus AMEDAS Waterproof Spray for leather protection from any dirt, water or oil with its effective waterproof, oil-repellent and anti-fouling effect without compromising breathability. Can be used to shine leather and brushed leather natural leather handbags or shoes and other leather goods, fabrics, artificial leather. Easy to use, and better to be used after cleaning and moisturizing.
Volume: 180 ml
Made in Japan -
Mink Oil Solid 貂鼠油 | COLUMBUS
Rated 0 out of 5$69.00Original price was: $69.00.$59.00Current price is: $59.00.Special care: When use a dry cloth with the mink oil to rub the leather surface, the animal fat can get into the leather body through the pores, giving it more softness and smoothness, as well as water-resistance. The oil on surface may come off over time, and need to regularly maintain it to extend its life span. Direction of use: First, use a dry or a little damp cloth to clean the leather surface, or to use the leather cleaning lotion such as our Leatherien Lotion to clean it thoroughly, then spread the Columbus mink oil onto the prepared leather surface. Such maintenance can be carried out regularly or when it is necessary.
Lanolin Leather Nursing Cream 綿羊毛油 | QbAid
Rated 0 out of 5$43.00Original price was: $43.00.$36.00Current price is: $36.00.這款非常實用和流行的綿羊油真皮滋潤膏是採用澳洲的羊毛油脂製造。澳洲是全世界出產最多羊毛油脂的地方,油脂豐富,營養高。本產品含有羊毛油脂,皮革活性因子及釆用速亮配方,是集三種皮革護理功效與一身:清潔,滋潤,和防水,是一個手袋護理非常好的選擇。經過我們測試,效果明顯,值得擁有。
This Lanolin cream lotion is produced from wool grease from Australia which produces the most wool grease in the world. It contains pure lanolin, molecule protein, and fat liquor agent, which have water-proof, anti-mildew and polishing capabilities altogether in one product. Overall, it has six kinds of care: cleaning, nutrition, polishing, smooth, waterproof, color complement. It is suitable for all leather products, such as leather handbags, jackets, shoes, and other leather garments.
NEO Antibacterial Cleaner 真皮殺菌清潔膏 | COLUMBUS
Rated 0 out of 5$64.00Original price was: $64.00.$58.00Current price is: $58.00.疫情當前,樣樣嘢都要經常清潔,包括手袋皮鞋等皮具,而好多人士用酒精等用品來消毒,可對真皮卻有傷害,您摯愛嗰手袋點可以咁樣清潔嘅?用日本的 Neo Cleaner 就啱啦!同其它清潔劑比較,NEO Cleaner 專對真皮,含有殺菌嗰成分(Neo anti-bacterial agents), 可以有效保持您嗰摯愛清新冇菌,而且它性質溫和,不會刺激真皮表層,可用於日常清潔護理,針對污跡係好有效嘅。依家環境咁污濁,有好多病毒細菌,呢支日本生産嗰 NEO 皮具清潔膏就可以幫到你啦!
Columbus Antibacterial NEO is a conservative agent antibacterial cleaner. It can easily clean off leather stains, such as dirt or ink. It can be used on leather goods such as handbags, shoes, furniture, and clothing. Better than the Get Cleaner of Columbus, the NEO Cleaner contains neo antibacterial agents, which can effectively clean off the bacteria on leather surface, and protect from mildew or mold.
Leatherien Cleaning Lotion 皮革防霉去污劑 | Columbus
Rated 0 out of 5$65.00Original price was: $65.00.$57.00Current price is: $57.00.The popular Columbus Anti-fungicide formulations cleaner is an effective leather cleaner for many kinds of leather products such as handbags, shoes, or even your leather jackets , to clean off some very tough dirt, and also have anti-mildew agents.
Fionn Wallet | Modern Heritage
Rated 2.67 out of 5$299.00 – $379.00材料: 牛皮
重量: 190 克~ 掀蓋式扭扣帶開合
~ 三折式設計
~ 内裏兩個大間隔,中間有拉鏈分隔袋
~ 三個紙幣袋
~ 12 個 卡片位,及一個透明窗口卡位尺寸 (長 x 寬 x 厚): 21 x 10 x 3 CM
Becca Matelassé Crossbody | Modern Heritage
Rated 0 out of 5$919.00Original price was: $919.00.$699.00Current price is: $699.00.材料: 衍縫紋羊皮
尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高): 29 x 11 x 20 CM
重量:0.5 KG~ 雙捲筒式手柄,手把高約11 CM
~ 掀蓋式袋扣配扭鎖,加置頂拉鏈開合
~ 兩個内袋可放手機或小物品
~ 四個腳釘
~ 花紋尼龍內里
~ 可拆式及調較長帶 (最長120 CM) -
Augie Top Handle HandBag | Modern Heritage
Rated 0 out of 5$659.00材料: 粗荔枝紋牛皮
重量:740 克尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高): 27 x 12 x 22 CM
~ 單扁平式可拆卸手柄
~ 手柄高 8-14 CM
~ 至潮啲頂蓋配蝴蝶扣帶開合
~ 精致鎖匙扣挂飾
~ 置頂拉鏈開合
~ 一個大間隔
~ 一個手機袋及多用途小物袋
~ 一拉鏈内袋
~ 高級絨布內里
~ 可拆式長帶, 最長約120 CM
~ 四個腳釘 -
Ulla Hobo Black | Urban Forest
Rated 0 out of 5$799.00Original price was: $799.00.$699.00Current price is: $699.00.顏色: 黑色
材料: 進口牛皮
重量:890 克
~ 雙卷筒式手柄, 柄高 17 CM
~ 方便啲置頂拉鏈開合
~ 一個外置拉鏈袋
~ 兩側設袋身調節拉鏈
~ 一個大間隔
~ 兩個拉鏈内袋,三個多功能内袋
~ 高級帆布內里
~ 可拆卸及調節肩帶 120 CM Max 長(Max 120 CM)
~ 底部兩個保護皮條
~ 仿古五金
尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高): 37 x 18 x 23 CM -
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