
Silked Fox Fur Bag Charm

評分 2.33 / 5,已有 9 位顧客進行評分


來自店鋪: Charming


The stylish BIG bag charm is made of premium fox fur, which gives you an instant uplift to a fashionable new level. The delightful fur charm is expertly crafted with silk scarf accent around. A must-have for the season.

貨號: ALT012BC 分類: , ,
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The stylish BIG bag charm is made of premium fox fur, which gives you an instant uplift to a fashionable new level. The delightful fur charm is expertly crafted with silk scarf accent around. A must-have for the season.


Pineapple Fox Fur Bag Charm

grey, pink

Silked Fox Fur Bag Charm 共有 9 則評價

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